May 7th, 2015
Things are looking fantastic in the orchard along with the seedlings in the greenhouse. The plums are in full bloom, the cherries are right behind them and some pear blossoms have opened as well. Lots of native pollinators buzzing about. The plum blossoms smell divine.

March 30th, 2015
We are working on pruning the apples and pears and hope to be done this week. We have also been pruning the grapes as well as planting seeds, collecting sap, and tracking mud into the house. So glad to have mud instead of snow! Look for us at the Ithaca Farmers’ Market starting Saturday, April 4 in our new booth – #63 (next to Kingbird Farm). We will have some fruit plants and trees for those of you seeking a living Easter gift along with apple cider vinegar, an array of ciders, Piglips and herbs. Come on spring….Idunn’s doing a welcoming dance for you….

March 19th, 2015
Fruit fans – we have just a few Fruit CSA shares left for the 2015 season. Pickups are Wednesdays at the T-Burg Farmers’ Market, Friday at Blackduck Cidery, Saturday at the Ithaca Farmers’ Market. The seedlings are growing, the snow is melting, the ducks are muddy – we are ready for spring!
Hinnomaki & Invicta Gooseberries
February 23rd, 2015
Adopt an orchard for a school, library, public space or friend…..all for a Kickstarter Reward! Visit our Blackduck Cidery Kickstarter and select the Adopt an Orchard reward. Help Blackduck Cidery achieve their tasting room construction goal while helping spread the orchard love. Select fruit varieties from our apple/pear pages and John will custom graft your trees for a spring 2016 delivery. 
February 16th, 2015
There is nothing so fun as the frigid air blowing against the windows as we sit surrounded by seed catalogs making a final list! Sometimes it feels like spring will never arrive, but just looking at all the colorful choices can brighten any dark day.

January 2nd, 2015
Time to plan for our 2015 Fruit CSA. We are accepting new share holders for this summer. The Fruit CSA will begin mid-late June. Flyer attached below!
Drake CSA flyer
2015 CSA registration form

December 26th, 2014
What happens when you raise a pair of American Guinea hogs in the orchard for a season? You end up with some high quality lard that makes the best lip balm! We added local beeswax, spilanthes extract, seaberry juice (both grown on our farm) with organic, natural flavorings (peppermint & black cherry) or cocoa powder. Piglip Balm was born. We will be selling Piglip Balm at the Ithaca Farmer’s Market Winter Market beginning Saturday, January 10th. Bramble in Press Bay Alley will also carry Piglip Balm in the new year. 
November 5th, 2014
We were quiet on the web this year….busy opening Blackduck Cidery & welcoming Pippin to the farm. We hope to revamp the website over the winter, but in the meantime we are taking registration forms for our 2015 Fruit CSA. Pick-ups will take place on Saturdays at the Ithaca Farmer’s Market, Wednesdays at Trumansburg Farmer’s Market and Fridays at the farm in Ovid.

March 12th, 2014
We have 2 fruit CSA shares available for pick-up at the Trumansburg Farmer’s Market on Wednesdays form 4-7pm. Our 20 week season begins mid to late June. We are sold out of shares for the Ithaca Market pickups. Please email to be placed on a waiting list for 2015. We send out share information for returning and new members in November.

Ben Sarek black currants