March 31st, 2013
We have our first blooming plum tree (see photo below). Not surprising when the temperature inside the high tunnel is hitting 70 degrees when the sun shines. We have been planting seed trays; potting gooseberry and currant cuttings; and 6 variety of peas are in the ground waiting to be watered later today. The trees friends and members helped plant last year look great, very minimal rabbit or deer damage. Scrumpy is enjoying the spring mole hunt.
March 23rd, 2013
Egg art on goose & duck eggs.

March 18th, 2013
We have completed fruit tree pruning and half of the small fruit pruning is done. We’ll finish up the rest of the small fruits this week. Hoping for some warm days for more sap!

March 10th, 2013
Thanks to all the families who have signed up for our Fruit and duck egg CSA for this season. The CSA is now full. Please email to be placed on the 2014 waiting list. We send out an email in early November offering shares to current members and folks on the waiting list.
Spending our days collecting and boiling sap, pruning, and making plans for spring planting. The ducks and chickens are running around the orchard looking extremely happy.
Burned last winter’s fruit prunings this weekend. The dry season last year was not conducive to raging flames. Cider, fire & friends.

March 3rd, 2013
Our maple trees were tapped two weeks ago and we have been having fun doing daily bucket checks. Idunn loves a big cup of sap. John will prune the newer fruit trees today while maintaining the fire to boil down the sap.
John had a good time talking with folks at the CSA fair yesterday. We have 4 shares left and don’t expect those to last long. Thanks to all the local fruit fans!
Just a Taste will be featuring Daring Drake goose eggs on their menu this week. We had one goose egg that tumbled to the kitchen floor twice without breaking open. That egg became this morning’s omelette. yum!